08 November 2020

The Amazing Immune Boosting Power of Elderberries

This post contains affiliate links to my favorite elderberry products.

The Elderberry is a flowering shrub that has long been used in folk medicine for the treatment of various issues. Multiple studies have confirmed that elderberries do have immune boosting and antioxidant properties.

A 2009 study showed that elderberry extract bind to Human Influenza A (H1N1), blocking the virus from infecting cells. Another study showed that taking elderberries shortened the duration and of the common cold by two days, and sufferers’ symptoms decreased in severity.  A similar study of patients suffering from influenza found that sufferers’ symptoms improved an average of four days earlier when taking an elderberry supplement, and they relied less on other medications to treat their symptoms. The researchers concluded that elderberry extract was an “efficient, safe, and cost-effective treatment for influenza” (Thom et. al.).


Too often, we rely on over-the-counter medications to relieve our cold and flu symptoms.  Unfortunately, these medications often come with uncomfortable side-effects such as drowsiness or a “dried out” feeling.

Rather than pumping your system full of manufactured medications after you’ve become sick, why not take an elderberry supplement, particularly during cold and flu season, to prevent theillness from taking hold in the first place, and helping your body kick the infection naturally oncea virus finds its way into your body?

Interested in taking an elderberry supplement?

Here are links to a few of my favorites!

elderberry gummies

elderberry syrup


Alberte, Randall, R. Fink, D. Li, M.D. McMichael, and B. Roschek Jr. Elderberry flavonoids bind to and prevent H1N1 infection in vitro. Phytochemistry. 70(10): 1255-1261. July 2009. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19682714/

Cameron, M., S. Chrubasik, and J.E. Vlachojannis. A systemic review on the sambuci fructus effect and efficacy profiles. Phytotherapy Research. 24(1): 1-8. January 2010.

Lea, Rodney A., E. Tiralongo, and S.S. Wee. Elderberry Supplementation Reduces Cold Duration and Symptoms in Air-Travelers: A Randomized, Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial. Nutrients. 8(4): 182. March 24, 2016. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27023596/

Thom, E., J. Wadstein, T. Wollan, and Z. Zakay-Rones. Randomized Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Oral Elderberry Extract in the Treatment of Influenza A and B Virus Infections. The Journal of International Medical Research. 32: 132-140. 2004.  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15080016/

Dr. Ammie Chapman

Hi! I am Ammie Chapman, mother, wife, chiropractor and clean living fan. I have had my struggles with health issues that I have been able to treat with diet and lifestyle changes. I am hoping it may help you too. 

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